Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Original pictures

We decided as a group that the best location would be in Camden and South bank (in Waterloo). We picked these location as we felt that it would be a right location to use for our photo's as it fits the genre of Indie rock. 

Getting ready
These pictures show evidence of our group getting ready for the photo's. We had to change the style of make-up that we wear and our costumes to fit the indie genre we were aiming for.

Original shots
Finally, this is our final shots that we took as a group in our chosen location. As you can see we looked closely at the mise-en-scene, lighting and shot type. We took a mojority of medium shots as thats what we needed for our front page. We then took different variety of shots from high angle and low angle as we wanted our magazine pictures to have a different look to it than other magazines.

This picture has been taken from a low angle to give it a different look as the audience would be more intrested. However the lighting is not effective in this picture as it is too dark to fit the indie genre.
The facial expression on my friend is also not suitable for the indie genre.

This picture is a good example to put in my magazine as the mise-en-scene is correct for the indie magazine.
My friend is wearing the correct costume as it fits the indie genre. Her make-up also fits with the indie genre as it's normally bright. The lighting is effective in this shot as we can see her properly.

The picture above is a great example to fit an indie magazine. It looks vintage, different and relates to music. The mise-en-scene is appropiate for the magazine as its in a record store. The pictures isn't really posed as there are people around my friend. The picture has also been edited showing i can manipultae and crop pictures.

The reflection in this picture is unique as posed pictures are normally by a blank background. The reflection adds an edge to the picture. Once again my friend is wearing clothes that represent an indie genre. For example the scarf around her neck. The lighting is effective in this picture, it brightens up the picture. I have also manipulated this picture to sharpen and make my friend more focused in the picture.

This picture above is diffrent to the others as the background is plain. My friend is centered in the picture so you can only focus on her. This picture is very effective as it would suit an indie magazine which will have miminum features. The costume here is netural, again fitting with the indie genre.

This picture is taken from a high angle shot. It shows the varitey of our pictures and how we have tried different shots to suit the indie genre. The significant prop in this picture is the headphones, which show that the picture fits the music genre. I'm also wearing a flower in my hair suiting showing an individual/differnet look.

Again using the headphones to link the picture back to music genre.

We have re-created the 'famous beatles poster' as it is a significant poster/album picture, within the music industry. This shows how we have looked and researched the type of audience/genre were going for.

1 comment:

  1. There is excellent evidence of the use of a variety of shots as suitable with some good selection of the different shot types although you need to make further comments on how and why shots may be used and have been constructed.
