Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Magazine Analysis.

Title of the magazine:
The magazine is called ‘Closer’ as it indicates to the audience that they will become ‘closer’ to the celebrity gossip and find out more than other gossip magazine.
There are several significant words such as ‘New baby on the way’ which is in bold black writing outlined by the orange background. This stands out and indicates that this is the main story in the magazine. Beside this it shows the celebrity that there are talking about ‘Victoria Beckham’. There are other stories that are in smaller print on the front cover.

Target audience for the magazine:
The time of audience that it is attracting is working class women. This is shown by there interests in celebrity gossip and there need to know about the celebrities.
The reader interacts with the magazine by the strong colourful fonts enticing the target audience.

Title of magazine:
The magazine is called ‘Game’ a simple name to state what the magazine is about. The audience already know what this magazine is going to be about and what its context will be about. There are pictures from a game, which seems to be the main feature. This could be a new game that has come out or what the audience favour. The significant words used are the game that is being represented ‘Twelve sky 2’.

Target audience for the magazine:
This magazine is targeting people who are interested in technology and games. You can tell this by the way the magazine is being represented. You can see that there are no feminine colours on this magazine implying that it is aimed at males. As males are stereotyped to play and be interested in games.

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