Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Genre and Audience

I have decided that my chosen genre would be Indie/Rock genre. But first I have to find out if my target audience will be interested enough in the Indie genre. The magazine will be aimed at 16-18 years old, as it is a music magazine aimed at college students. I have created a questionnaire which will find out what my target audience would like in my magazine.
My magazine will be similar to other music magazines that have been already published. They will include the conventional qualities like other magazine, such as reviews of new music and upcoming events that will be related to music, for example small gigs. There will also be gossip, posters and interviews. This will help my magazine to be successful as I have researched other magazine that have the same ideas.
Overall, I have picked this genre as I know it will appeal to a vast audience that will be interested as there is not many Indie magazine aimed at young adults.

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