Monday, 29 November 2010

Questionnaire Analysis

1)    What gender are you?
I asked this questions as the answers from the responders may affect the questionnaire. For example, a girl answering the question may pick pink as their favourite colour. To make my questionnaire unbiased I asked an even amount of boys and girls (10 girls and 10 boys) aged 16-18 year olds.

2)    What attracts you to a magazine firstly?

The girls:    

I asked this question, as I wanted to find out from my target audience what attracts them to a magazine. You can see by the pie chart, that there is an even amount. Bright colours, fonts and a variety of different pictures attract the girls. This then shows me what I area I will have to focus on if I was aiming my magazine to a female target audience.

The Boys:

The same question is asked for males so I don’t receive biased answers. The boys and girls are similar; you can see that they are also attracted to bright colours and pictures. However, one student had selected ‘other’, showing that they would of preferred something else. As the student picked ‘other’ I asked him to state what it was. He was attracted to texts on the magazine.

3)    What would you want the context of the magazine to be about? (Maximum 4 choices)

As I couldn’t put this question in a pie chart, as it was too difficult so I had to write it out in another way.  I allowed the respondents to pick more than one answer to their choice, as I wanted a detail answers to make my magazine as successful as it can be. 


Sports and technology (either to do with the school/college)
None of the females picked this option showing that it is not a popular pick, and that it would not be included in a female magazine.

R & B = 8 students
Indie Rock = 3 students                     
Rock & Roll = 2 students
Classical = 0 students

You can see that most of the students preferred R&B. 
This shows me what kind of music I could put in my magazine to attract my target audience.

Horoscope = 6 students              
 This is a popular pick from the girls, which could also be included in my magazine
Fashion tips and fashion = 9 students
This is a really popular pick from the females. This shows me that fashion tips and fashion would defiantly be in a female magazine.

Reviews of:
Music = 2 students
Books = 2 students
Theatre = 2 students
Other = 1 student
Games = 1 student
Not everyone chose this option, but you can see that music, books and theatre are popular picks.

4)    What colours would you want your school/college magazine to be?
Please state why?

This was an open question unlike my other closed questions. This was an open question, as I wanted to know why they chose their colours. A lot of the students (girls and boys) just wanted bright colours that would catch their eyes.

Evaluation of Questionnaire

To begin with we had to research what a teenage college magazine would need to include. We did this as a class and found out what our main interests were, instead of carrying on and researching on the Internet. I thought I might as well ask the 6th form students in my school what they would want in there magazine. After I found out what would need to be included in my magazine to attract my target audience.
    Later on, I completed my questionnaire at home. Creating the questionnaire was quite difficult and I struggled with what kind of questions I would need to put in. I didn’t want to ask questions that would not be relevant to what I needed to find out. The next day (following my plan) I asked 20 students to complete my questionnaire. I found that when I asked the females to complete the questionnaire there were no problems. However, when I asked a few males they didn’t take my questionnaire as serious. To have prevented this I could of given out sweets after they had answered the questionnaire. This would of given them more motivation to completing it.
    Once the students had completed the questionnaires, I then took them home and did my analysis and evaluation. 

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Abigails Party Review

Abigails party was a television programme written in 1977 by Mike Leigh Originating as a Hampstead Theatre production and first broadcast as part of Play for Today (BBC, 1970-84), 'Abigail's Party' (tx. 1/11/1977) is Mike Leigh's best-known television work, and perhaps the most celebrated TV play of the 1970s.

When teenager Abigail throws a party for her friends, her next-door neighbour, Beverly Moss, does likewise for the adults - inviting Abigail's mum, Sue, and neighbours Tony and Angela. In spite of the title of Mike Leigh's play, all the action takes place in Beverly's living room - and Abigail is never seen. And good luck to her, because Beverly is the hostess from hell.
Lacking any social skills Beverly stumbles through a series of cringe-making social blunders, begins flirting with Tony, starts sniping at her over-stressed husband, Laurence, does little to instill confidence in an already anxious Sue, and gets steadily sozzled whilst listening to, and inflicting on everyone else, Demis Roussos on the gramophone. Just when the evening looks as though it couldn't get any worse, her sniping at Laurence turns into a full-blown argument until he finally decides that the only way to extract himself from this awful situation is to drop dead with a heart attack.

Monday, 1 November 2010

Coursework Skills Audit

Analysis of key skills
Through answering each question, I have found out my strengths and weakness. I know that I am able to use the internet really well. I am able to use Microsoft and PowerPoint excellent as well; I am a confident person so I will be able to speak out about my ideas and thoughts. 

The areas that i need to improve in design packages, in house design and being able to manipulate pictures and merge them with the text.